Ninja Coffee Machine

24 Jan 2022
Over There
Was about to order a Sage (for about the last 6 months) and noticed a video from Coffee Kev on the Tube about the America only available Ninja Coffee machine, which caught my attention.
So a few days on and by the magic of cookies I get an email from Ninja showing a hidden new offering that has many different cups in front of it and suspect it is the Ninja Coffee machine???

What are your opinions (please watch the video) and would you buy..

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Should have added that the American machine is around the $499 mark, so I expect the UK will just change $ for £ as usual
So also as we are dipping into try this and try that I will add that it has to be simple for the OH and include more than just Espresso, and to a degree I'm not bothered too much about making a cup of science...

Up till now I have been floating around the Sage The Barista Touch, due to it's simple interface and it keeps the OH happy.
The video in my opening post shows that the Coffee guy gives the Ninja machine a good review.

We are also a Ninja family as such, but that doesn't mean our minds are washed to only buying that product.
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