Ninja Gaiden

22 Feb 2003
I've had Ninja Gaiden for quite a while now but as i'm on a two week holiday i'm only really getting to play it fully now and Woooohooooo what a game it is....

I'm just after killing by far the hardest boss i've fought yet.....Alma in the Monastery and now working my way through Chapter 8...It's the first XBox game, sorry, game on any system thats gripped me since Call of Duty.....It's graphically stunning (imho)....The bosses are excellent and the more power you gain the even more gorey your combos become....

If you haven't got this game, i can't recommend it enough...It's rather difficult at stages but keep at it....

As the McD's advert says.....I'm Loving It :D
If your at that point you'll have already met the tentacle guy outside the monestry when he eats the big bossomed blonde bird :D

Same method my good man ;)

*edit* having said that....You got a lot more running space when you fight him outside......Inside is close quarters :eek:
I've had to use a Walkthrough at points.......tells you were all the Scarabs are......Never bothered with them really thou......Never knew they unlocked the old version :(
Working my way through Chapter 10 - The Aquaduct just now....Some nasty cockroach type things creeping about....Gave me a shiver when i seen them all fall from the roof :eek:

The Hurricane Pack is looking good....Surely a Magazine could carry that on a coverdisc for people who dont have Live? :confused:
A paste from the walkthrough i've used......Only in extreme times of need i may add :D

~= LEVEL SEVEN BOSS | Alma, First Form | DIFFICULTY: ***** =~
~ By far one of the hardest bosses in the game, Alma is a sheer combination~
& between powerful attacks, magic, and agility. First of all, it's best to &
~ understand her patterns of attacks. Whenever you come close to Alma, she ~
& will quickly sprint towards you and perform a combo, perform a flying &
~ diagonal kick, or cast a power beam from above that paralyzes you. The ~
& best way to counter this is to roll out of the way, or jump away from the&
~ power beam. For about 2 seconds, Alma will recover from performing the ~
& powerful kicks. Quickly perform the forward jump + Y move to slice &
~ through her, and knock her to the ground. Quickly cast the Ice Ninpo ~
& magic (when she's laying next to you), and she will get caught in the &
~ storm. She'll take several hits (10+) due to this. If you're low on ~
& magic, simply lay down a 4-5 hit combo. Now, retreat out, and repeat the &
~ process. As for her ranged attacks, she has a multiple pink fireball ~
& swirl that sends out five heat-seeking projectiles. You can avoid this by&
~ rolling twice, and then jumping at the end. Mix up your rolls and jumps ~
& as evasive moves. Her other projectile attack involves ripping off 2 &
~ stone pillars, then tossing them at you. These ones are a tad more ~
& accurate, but can be avoided by simply jumping/rolling. Whatever you do, &
~ be patient in this matchup. Keep dodging projectiles, and never get ~
& sucked in by her power ray combo. She'll scream before rushing in on &
~ physical attacks, so key in, and listen. This is a PATIENT battle. It can~
& take most players 3-5 minutes just to kill her. Also took me 10 tries, &
~ but keep practicing

Good luck mate :eek:
Finally....I've completed it.......An absolutely awesome game and by far the best game i've played yet on the XBox and makes it into my top games of all time....Seriously, its that good :eek:

The last couple of chapters had me throwing my joypad down in anger at how hard it was but still i came back to it 5 minutes later determined to do it.....They ghost fish are probably the most annoying things ever :D

I've said it before and i'll say it again, if you haven't got this game........GET IT!

I feel empty now....No games to hook me in......Hurry up HL2 or Doom3......Lets see if you can hook me ;)


lol....i've unlocked a new costume with added light saber and Very Hard Mode.......Your having a laugh :D
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I never picked the War Hammer up mate so i'm not sure how powerful it already is...I made do with the Dabilahro (massive sword) you get after you collect 20 scarabs......You'll need a big weapon ( ;) ) as your gonna come up against dinoasaur type things and bigger zombies later :D
Nah mate you always keep your Dragon Sword anyway, it's gets a further upgrade later to True Dragon Sword....

Once you give the shop keeper your 20th scarab he'll hand over the Dabilahro...It doesn't replace any weapons :D

The most powerful weapon is the Kitetsu...Only problem with it is that it draws energy off you for just holidng it :eek:
I'm on a 2 week holiday from work so this filled in a few days for me.....My last save point is 16 hours 35 minutes....I'd add about 10 minutes onto that :D
I found the 1st boss the hardest boss of them all just about......Hence why the game sat on my shelf for over 3 weeks as i was so annoyed at it :eek:

The electric and fire worms are easy :D
was rather disappointed by the 999 hit combo....I expected some serious hack and slash.....Not getting monsters into position and whacking them for 5 minutes with Nunckaku :D

Part from that they guy makes me look a complete noobie with some of the moves he pulls off :eek:


theres quite a few times it looks to me as if he gets hit but yet his energy doesn't move......hax0r? :eek: :D
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This HP definently only gonna be available over Live? :(

No way i'm getting Live just for this...I was hoping a Mag would carry it on a Coverdisc.....I live in hope :D
To resurrect an old thread....

I'm going to attempt Ninja Gaiden on Very Hard mode this weekend...

The serious lack of games around atm is forcing me into it i'm affraid :(

I'd ask you to wish me luck but i think i need a little more than that :eek: :D
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