Nintendo DS for a 360

7 Apr 2004
near Bristol
Hi guys, i have a 360 atm, tho dont really play it as much as i thought i would, was thinking of trying to sell the 360 and buy a DS, or try to p/x my 360 for a ds

games i have on the 360 are pdz, pgr3 and kameo

but nothing really grabs me, how do people find the DS? game i have my eye on mainly is mario kart :) almost bought the bundle today while in virgin, the mariokart and DS bundle

Not sure what to do, people seem to think highly of the DS, but has anyone gone from a 360 to a DS and been happy with their decision?

If you know other people who have a DS, then a DS maybe be a good choice. Nothing beats being down the pub playing mario kart with mates ;)
I've got both but you can't realy compare them though since one is meant for gaming on the move and other for gaming in the home.
I have both.. have to say my 360 has sat dormant.. i had my DS long before and it shall be keeping it long after. I personally think my 360 and the new TV i got with it havnt been worth a penny i paid for them. Theres just nothing new there, same old shizzle just new grapgics which i aint intrested in. Atleast the DS is bring new ideas and gameplay stuff...

Its up to you. But if your not playing it.. dont keep it is my philosophy. Plus you can make profit on a 360 and always get another when some decent game are out.
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blueshift said:
are u kidding?? 360 for a DS??, LOL ?

the only game i find myself playing is the geometry wars trial.....

i guess im after something more simple, as the MMO's have taken my gaming attention atm, having a bash on mario kart etc and bomberman etc would be ace in comparison to the 360 i have atm

mayube iv just grown out of the larger consoles :(
keep the xbox man... a ds dont cost that much. swaping for a ds would be crazy... and there will better games comming out later for xbox... just think of that.
maybe matey but...i spent £480 on this 360 core setup, with HDD, cable and games

and i just dont feel like iv gotten what i really want....

well found a ds, mario kart and bomber man in a store for £100

special offer

may go for that and see if i can sell the xbox, at a loss im sure :(
Rufio said:
keep the xbox man... a ds dont cost that much. swaping for a ds would be crazy... and there will better games comming out later for xbox... just think of that.

Baaah, ive told him this.......BAcon ya big girl, stop it with the "im selling it" phase, just keep it and enjoy the new games coming out.;)
The problem with the 360 is that its suffered from "get out a load of safe titles at launch" syndrome which has left it feeling a little stale in the games department as pretty much everything available at the moment is a sequal or a continuation of a done to death theme. Thats not to say that they aren't good mind, just not especially original. Obviously there are also a few exceptions to this rule but they are in the minority.

I think if you really want to give the 360 a go your going to have to give it at least until the spring.
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