Nirnroot in Oblivion, Where to find it?

12 Mar 2004
I have been to that copse place but I still only have 5 roots when I need 10 for that elixer, I know that it grows near water in the great forest and some nearby caves but I haven't found anymore yet, any hints?

And is it just me or are the elderscrolls forums down nearly all the time, or extremly slow?
gah you've got more than me lol... i've only found three, and all of those were before i even went to the bloke who tells you where to look!...

would love some help on this also... and no, the forums are painfully slow at the moment :-/
river banks, ponds, lakes and sometimes even in plant pots in peoples houses.. they are all over the show but it's just getting used to seeing them.
Ok with some help from the elderscrolls forums, I got 10 then he gave me the potion, then I gathered another 20 to make the moderate potion, now he needs 30 more for the strong poition, arggh.
Energize said:
Ok with some help from the elderscrolls forums, I got 10 then he gave me the potion, then I gathered another 20 to make the moderate potion, now he needs 30 more for the strong poition, arggh.

Oh my god, i gave up after 3, i think ill leave this quest for a while
Same here, I had 2 when I started the quest, then found 3 at that Copse.

Gonna just do other quests in the meantime and keep an eye out for some more roots. :)
I found a single root in the water-front of the Imperial City today. If you head past the lighthouse and over the bridge, take a right and walk to the end of the quay there's a single plant growing in the mud there (past the pirate ship - Arrrrr, heave-ho). Didn't know it was so important though :D
I found the 3 at the copse - I couldn't find any more - if you actually read the "nirnroot missive" (I didn't, hehe) it says it only grows around water (I think - something like that) - the I found the other 7 outside the west gate of (whatever the town to the south west is) in about 5 mins. Loads of it there.
Walk around the cost of lake Rumare (near Imperial City). Also around the coast (both directions, and around the lighthouse) at Anvil.

I've found 20 so far, given him 10 and he wants 20 more, so I'm 10 short. Not making a big thing about looking for them though, just walk along water occasionally when I happen to be passing by!

And is it just me or are the elderscrolls forums down nearly all the time, or extremly slow?

Unfortuntely so. Worst time seems to be mid to late evening (I guess whn all our friends across the pond are online).

It seems pretty quick in the morning though... even now it's packed though, there's no wonder... "2626 user(s) active in the past 5 minutes"
It is scattered all over the place. As mentioned above - you dont notice it until you start looking. I have found some on the stealthiest of break-ins...
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