NNNNNOOOOO must resist...........(another micro)

10 Mar 2004
So a little while ago I got a Gameboy micro, but not just any micro it was a limited edition famicom one made to look like a famicom controller, well needless to say I love the little thing but now I've come across this fella:
MMMMM Micro goodness
I can get one on the-bay for around £100, and I'm sooooooo tempted (jeez this is gonna be an expensive month: DS remake, DOA4, ridge racer 6, we love katamari :eek: )
find that picture, print it out, cut the holes out in the places of the buttons/screen etc

and there you have it

i've just saved you 100 quid
I clicked on this thinking I'd end up looking and thinking 'Bah waste of money, don't be so shallow'....then I saw the Final Fantasy-ness.
It's so nice :(
aaahhhhh damn it I went and bought it!!!!! ok you see what you've done Kreeeee ;) thanks a lot Nintendo yet another GBA I bought from you :o
Im a bit similar to you fieldy. Ive got 6 different GBA SP's, even got the GBA SP Jap famicon with the gold stickers and the Torchic orange one. Im very tempted by the FFIV but wont the game that comes with it be in japanese? I think i prefer the other famicom one youve got. Have you got any of the limited edition gamecube controllers, you know the mario or luigi ones.
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