No DVD drive on Laptop - how to use USB instead

11 Oct 2005

Firstly. If this isn't allowed please delete. Not sure

Right. Got a new laptop which of course doesn't come with dvd drive these days

I have a particular SIM on cd(or dvd) I would like on this new laptop

Can I somehow copy the Dvd/ CD on my old laptop (which has cd drive) and put onto USB for the new laptop to install from?

If I can, how and what do I need.

Many thanks
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Assuming no copy protection you could turn the cd/dvd into an iso which would then allow windows to load up a virtual optical drive on the new laptop. Essentially you'd be copying the disk into a wrapper so you won't be saving any space etc.

Something like DVDtoIso should do the job but can't say I've tried it... there are other tools that do the same thing but that was the first I came up with.

EDIT: missed it was an install situation... the above is the better approach if you need the disk for the SIM to run, however if it's just an installer and isn't needed after that you can actually share your optical drive between machines.
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if you cant do that then there are DVD drives that you just put into a USB port.

just search something like : External USB 3.0 DVD drive.

they cost about £10
I have the above on my modern PC, I bought a usb extension cable so I can route it from my desk to the pc

I'm sure if you looked on ebay and the like, you'll find one a lot cheaper
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