No garage

13 May 2010
So how do you guys without a garage manage with bike security? Don't think I'll get away with a land anchor because there's nothing substantial to fix it to...

Suggestions / Solutions?

As I see it, someone could just lift a bike away without a sound in the middle of the night without a garage / anchor?
Sorry but ground anchor is the way to go- yes there is nothing to stop them picking it up and putting it in a van and driving away.

I dug up part of my front garden, put in a 1m cubed concrete block and set the ground anchor into that.
Very heavy Almax Immobiliser IV chain and Squire lock and I never put my bike away without putting them on, not even for 5 mins.
It is always covered too.
This stops the casual thief and deters the professional one.

Alarms, immobilisers and trackers don't stop professional thieves- actually nothing will if they really want your bike but if you can make it tricky for them then they often will go for the easier options.

Having a slightly undesirable bike can help- a new, shiny S1000RR is a much more attractive prospect for them than a 10 year old CBF600.
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As above is good advice really.

Ground Anchor, Heavy Chain and an alarm so you can wake up, run downstairs and adopt Boxing Stance :p

Also put a cover on so they can't see what it's worth :) Although I imagine you do that anyway as it's outside?

If you can't get a Ground Anchor then couple of heavy chains and an alarm?
Yes, they can just lift and go if you don't have a ground anchor unfortunately. If you can't/don't want to do ground anchor then I'd still go for Almax Immobiliser on the back and disc lock on the front. At least make it difficult for them to lift away :D

Bike with immovable wheels and a huge chain on is going to be pretty awkward to lift.

It's such a shame really. I really want a GSXR and may well be in the position to get one in a few years time when I'm over 25 and the insurance is affordable, but I'd just constantly worry about it unless I had some special super secure garage.

Guess I'll make sure my next place has a decent garage, then anchor + Almax lock it in there.
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you can get anchors that fit to a wall,like your house wall?

if you own a car you can chain it to the towing eye,
Without a ground anchor the best you can do is a disc lock, steering lock and lockable bike cover.

If possible chain it to a lamp post preferably under one that's on all night.
If you can't fit a ground anchor you could always fill one of those huge plant pots with concrete and put your ground anchor in that. Would weight a tonne so I'd be surprised if thieves could lift a 180kg bike plus 100kg of concrete too.
Cheers all, don't own one at the moment but think i'll put it off until i have a concrete drive or a garage...

Dont want to chain it to the lampost, neighbours are funny buggers about that sort of thing :(
Cheers all, don't own one at the moment but think i'll put it off until i have a concrete drive or a garage...

Dont want to chain it to the lampost, neighbours are funny buggers about that sort of thing :(

eidolon's idea is awesome :D. Do that. You can get anchors that you're supposed to concrete in as well.
If you can't fit a ground anchor you could always fill one of those huge plant pots with concrete and put your ground anchor in that. Would weight a tonne so I'd be surprised if thieves could lift a 180kg bike plus 100kg of concrete too.

Unless they roll up with a HIAB :D

Or take a sledgehammer to the block?
If they're prepared to make sledgehammer smashing concrete levels of noise then let them have the bike. They clearly must really really want it.
I chain mine to one of the metal cycle/bike bars in a council car park. The way I see it is if someone wants to steal your bike or anything for that matter then they will find a way. Prevention and deterant is the only thing we can do.
Bikes are often stolen to order, for parts or to meet demand.
125s and Sports bikes are most popular, in all three categories. Tatty or heavily customised bikes are harder to sell.

If a thief really wants it and has the tools (such as a plasma torch), they will get it... but that's what your insurance is for. Your job is to make it harder and more hassle than it's worth for the average/casual thief.

Cover - More useful when parked on the street, but if they can't see what's under there it means they can't just drive past and case it/clock it.

Disclock - Additional security, especially if you get one with a disc detainer lock. Actually pretty hard to cut, impossible to pick or jimmy with a screwdriver.

Immobiliser - Stops someone from screwdriver-ing your lock and riding off. May also be set up to limit hot-wiring. Some can be problematic though and fail even when you're riding.

Bike alarm - Makes a loud noise if someone messes with your bike. Useful if you are nearby and can get out there with a cricket bat, or something!!

Chain - Put this through a part of the bike that isn't easily removable, ie the frame rather than a wheel. Keep the chain well off the ground so they can't use the floor to brace bolt cutters. Again, try and get a lock that has a shrouded bolt and a lock that is hard to pick/force.
No space for a metal bike shed / locker? Not much bigger than the bike itself and you can take it with you when you move house.
Get a good chain... but make sure the padlock is good as well.
Most of those where the key looks like your front door 'Yale' lock can be very quickly picked open.
The ones like the Abloy disc detainer are very awkward to pick or to jimmy with a screwdriver. The bolt/hasp is shrouded too, making bolt-cropping a highly unlikely option for wannabe thieves, too.
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