No limit Gaming PC

20 Jan 2012
Morning everyone,

At last its time to upgrade my computer. The current specs are roughly i3570k, GTX 970 4gb, Cooler Master Haf X case etc

Pretty old stuff, I'm struggling to play most fps games with playable frame rates. The main games I will play playing is World War 3, Pubg and other shooter games.

The specs are mainly based off the 3XS Vengeance RTX TI as it was in their latest Custom Pc magazine.

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £2,069.20 (includes shipping: £15.30)​
It will be a used card.

I have also bought these to go with the new build. I haven't decided yet on the monitor or the speakers so any suggestions would greatly help.

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £469.96 (includes shipping: £0.00)​
A more updated basket.

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £2,591.23 (includes shipping: £0.00)​

I'm not too sure about the cpu cooler at the moment.

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £275.44 (includes shipping: £10.50)​

As far as monitors I honestly don't know here is an idea but I don't know if its worth the money or not.

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £710.09 (includes shipping: £11.10)​
The build will be strictly for gaming does anyone know which bundle is best?

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £2,907.00 (includes shipping: £14.10)​
So I bought everything today here is the list:

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £3,451.73 (includes shipping: £0.00)

The monitor is bought 2nd hand for £550 for an unopened box and still has warranty.

The graphics card is a Strix 1080ti 11gb for £320.

I have bought an Asus Zen Drive External Dvd for £28 and Grizzly Thermal Kryonaut £6.45 as recommended in the chat.

Once again thank you everyone for helping me get all the specs together and change a few things.
Hi guys these fans here are not very quiet are there any others that are quieter for the front of my case?

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £24.65 (includes shipping: £4.66)​

I think 140mm is ok. It just sounds like a mini motor and it's too loud for what I need.

Thanks guys

I thought of these

Noctua 140mm Premium Quiet Quality Case Cooling Fan NF-A14 FLX
Corsair CO-9050047-WW ML Series ML140 Pro LED Red 140 mm

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