No love for chromium/chrome OS?

4 Aug 2009
I just did a search and found no threads with chromium in the title. Why is there such a lack of interest? It's a bit of a shame, I know, that Chrome OS won't be available for download, but surely chromium has sparked at least someone's interest? Am I missing something about these which makes them so uninteresting?
I use Chrome as my browser on my install, I just dont see why i would ever start a thread or need help on using it though :)

:D :eek: As funny as this post is, it (and the other posts in this thread) are indicative of how little google have advertised chrome OS. Will the big marketing push come after the hardware comes on the market?

Just to clarify for SMN, chrome OS is a Linux-based operating system by Google, it is not the same as Chrome the browser.
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