No Man's Sky help on current settings

18 Aug 2010
I found minimum specs for playing the game, but a friend of mine went back to it and is having issues with his system "i5 7600K, 16 GB RAM and a GTX 1080" with fps not running smoothly at 60fps, so I am wondering where I stand with my Ryzen 3600, 24gb ram and gtx 1060 6gb OC?

Also what kind of system specs are recommended as of now to play with 60 fps?

Ran fine on my 6700K & 1070 @1440p (both stock at the time). This game launched in 2016 so it should run fine on mid to high tier hardware from that year.

They have just launched a new update which may have brought higher requirements. It's not a fast paced FPS so high frames is not a deal breaker. You do get some stutters like when leaving a planet and poor draw distance, but that's not exclusive to lower specs if you look up those issues.

Does this help? Granted it was a year ago and we have had improvements since then.

It's in Spanish but you can see the specs, fps and graphic settings at 1080p.

TY very much to the both of you :) .... Been a big help!
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