No money, no baby!

AJUK said:
So who pays the bill if the Israeli health insurance doesn't pay out. Healthcare is NOT free anywhere on the planet. It all costs money, she shouldn't have had the child if she didn't have the money.

Was she counting on premature triplets?
OK thats just very very very wrong.

Would have said only in america... but its not!

Keeping one of three triplets as a gaurantee of payment??? :mad:
Visage said:
Should be required reading for those who advocate a privatised NHS.

Holding a baby to ransom like that is horrible but what has that to do with a privatised NHS? A privatised NHS could be far more efficient than the current system - could it be less efficient?
That doesn't mean that hospital bills couldn't be paid by social funding though does it.
harsh, but the hospital does need to make sure it gets the money, they arn't a charity afterall. We brits may judge it harsher than it is becuase we live in a fully developed country, and have the NHS, etc, ad nausem.

The flip side, is if they had forced (extra) treatment she didn't actually want on her and then expecting her to pay for it, then they would be overstepping the mark IMHO
Raz said:
Was she counting on premature triplets?
She would have know she was going to have triplets, scans and all that, and it is not as if you become pregnant all of a sudden, you have a good few months to prepare.
Raz said:
Adam_151, didn't think Israel was a poor country?

Probably not to the extent of some of the places in the world, but I'd be willing to bet that its worse off than most of western europe, the states, japan, etc
AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA DAMN! Only in Israel would I expect someone to hold a baby to make sure they get their money :D

(anti-semetic hat on :cool: )

Visage said:
Should be required reading for those who advocate a privatised NHS.

Yup, I don't mind paying a litle bit out of my earnings each week to the NHS, sure maybe I will never end up getting as much healthcare as I pay in, but it beats having to go on debt to make sure you stay alive.
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Gilly said:
Did she plan for triplets?

Did she plan for complications?

Did she check she had Israeli NHS cover?

Did she have her own insurance?

Was she using contraception?

Can she afford to look after the children?
AJUK said:
Did she check she had Israeli NHS cover?

Did she have her own insurance?

Was she using contraception?

Can she afford to look after the children?
Think you missed my point.

She does have insurance cover through their national insurance scheme. The hospital were unsure whether they'd be able to claim their fees back though as the father was Palestinian.

If she was planning on having one baby she wouldn't be using contraceptives would she?

Do you want to actually read the newspiece?
AJUK said:
Did she check she had Israeli NHS cover?

Did she have her own insurance?

Was she using contraception?

Can she afford to look after the children?

Was the hospital in the right to hold the baby for ransom?
Gilly said:
Did she plan for triplets?

Did she plan for complications?

It seems that she went to a private hosital and the state was expected to pay out. However the hospital for some reason felt that the state might not pay up?

The hospital said it was not certain Israel's national insurance would cover the $2,150 (£1,250) treatment bill.

It seems to me that the Hospital (not the health care system) is at fault and discriminated against this woman because she was a Palestinian Israeli. I guess to understand why that is we need to know if they have cause, ie is there a tendency for "palestinians" to use Israeli hospitals for free and then not pay the bill. If there is a clear history of "health tourism" then maybe the hospitals actions are more understandable.
It may have been agreed in advance that the baby would be held or no treatment offered we simply don't know yet.

/edit - just seen your post that the issue was due to the nationality of the father. I didn't see that in the article, I'll have another read.
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VIRII said:
It seems that she went to a private hosital and the state was expected to pay out. However the hospital for some reason felt that the state might not pay up?
Can't see where it says its a private hospital?

VIRII said:
It seems to me that the Hospital (not the health care system) is at fault and discriminated against this woman because she was a Palestinian Israeli. I guess to understand why that is we need to know if they have cause, ie is there a tendency for "palestinians" to use Israeli hospitals for free and then not pay the bill. If there is a clear history of "health tourism" then maybe the hospitals actions are more understandable.
It may have been agreed in advance that the baby would be held or no treatment offered we simply don't know yet.
I think she'd have been fine had the father of the triplets been an Israeli Arab. The problem arose when the hospital realised they may not be reimbursed from the Health Service pot of cash due to the father being a Palestinian resident of the West bank.
Gilly said:
Can't see where it says its a private hospital?

I think she'd have been fine had the father of the triplets been an Israeli Arab. The problem arose when the hospital realised they may not be reimbursed from the Health Service pot of cash due to the father being a Palestinian resident of the West bank.

Having a re-read now as per my edit just now.
Think I misread the article.
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