
1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
Hey people, been using norton for ages now, and i really like the antivirus side of it, and i have systemworks installed let it run the one button clean once a night and my machine runs absolutely fine, but ive been hearing a lot about an AV called nod32, would just like to here peoples opinions of it. and if they prefer it to norton, because i can either just renew norton when it runs out in june or switch to another one.

cheers :)
switch to symantec antivirus corporate edition v10 and use sygate professional as your firewall i always use both of these programs on new server builds and home pc rigs they work fine and are ment for corporate use so they keep even the peskyest viruses out
Hi phate, i used to use norton, but then went for nod32 about 2 years ago ran it for about 1 year on my main rig, then bought it for the other pc's in my house, the only time i need to even really think about it is when i want to perform a manual scan, other than that just let it run in the background all the time.
It does not interfere with any of the progs or games i run.
And has kept all the pc's clean even my daughters one.

Have a search and i think you will find most others agree.
computer techie said:
switch to symantec antivirus corporate edition v10 and use sygate professional as your firewall i always use both of these programs on new server builds and home pc rigs they work fine and are ment for corporate use so they keep even the peskyest viruses out

what about resource usuage? what are they like?
I used to run Norton/Symantec AV/FW and upgraded every year. Then a mate told me about Avast (free version) and I swapped. Avast was pretty impressive compared to Norton/Symantec and had the added bonus that it was free.

However, I felt that I should look for something paid. I felt strongly that if I paid for an AV it COULD be a better choice, if I chose the right AV. On these 'ere forums, NOD32 was repeatedly recommended. Weirdly I've seen plenty of Avast v NOD32 threads and nearly every single one has ended up with NOD32 winning, if that person was prepared to pay, if not, then pick Avast.

I bought NOD32 on a one year licence, which I now regret. Should have gone for a two or three year licence!;) I find NOD32 to be brilliant mainly for ease of use, its interface, lack of impact on system resources etc.

NOD32 has scared me at times by not visibly indicating that it had been looking for or downloading new updates; however a manual check revealed that it had been doing so and only once have I ever managed to update NOD32 manually. :D Every other time I get a message telling me that NOD32 is up-to-date.:o

So if you are willing to do so, ditch Norton and install NOD32. I have NOD32 paired with ZoneAlarm Pro version and I have had no problems so far (touch wood).

I just remembered whilst writing this post that I ditched Norton part way through a licence period, I didn't even wait for the end so if you want try out the NOD32 demo now and if you like it buy a licence.
NOD32 is much better than Norton. Just taking into account how well each scan and get viruses they are pretty much the same. However, NOD32 is MUCH faster at doing this than Norton [makes you wonder what Norton is doing to take so long] and NOD32 uses very small amounts of your system's resources. You will forget it is there.

NOD32 runs all the time doing a real-time scan of your system, it updates itself everyday - usually once or twice a day - it also checks all incoming files when you go browsing websites. It will stop any malicious file before it gets onto your computer and gives you a dialog giving you the option to let the file through or block it.

It really is superior to Norton in every way and I used to always go for Norton - not anymore. I have NOD32 on my main PC and the two laptops and most of my friends have also converted.

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SiriusB gave a superb summary there :)

Phate: you can get a multi-year subscription, 3 years is only £46 + VAT. Check out their webby.
I used to run Norton Antivirus, switched to NOD32 becasue of the reduced resource usage. Didn't notice too much, only on starting up. The virus scans are more sensitive aswell, picked up one norton didn't. Impressed.

I'm running this with NVidia Firewall Active Armour with no conflictions, it's great.

I'm running NOD32 aswell after using AVG then Antivir then Avast. The one thing I truly love anout NOD32 is the slient mode, everything is done without me knowing about it until it finds something dodgy at that point it asks me what to do. Firewall wise I'm using the one inbuilt into my router.
R0551 said:
The one thing I truly love anout NOD32 is the slient mode, everything is done without me knowing about it until it finds something dodgy at that point it asks me what to do.
I really love that feature of NOD32.
Bit weird but why does Nod decide to find things while im doing a spyware scan, actually its only with spybot now that i think of it.
NOD32 looks at the files loaded into memory I believe, so if the anti spyware proggy is doing a scan it may well be loading some files into memory and NOD32 doesn't like them.

This is just a wild theory lol

SiriusB said:
NOD32 looks at the files loaded into memory I believe, so if the anti spyware proggy is doing a scan it may well be loading some files into memory and NOD32 doesn't like them.

This is just a wild theory lol


sounds about right! cheers!
What are the best settings to use in nod32.

I remember reading ages ago people recommending changing some things so it scans more things that it might otherwise miss.

I'm loving the simplicity of nod32 so far I sometimes have to do a double take to make sure it's even running.
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