noise coming from my Studio Speakers even when cables not connected

20 Oct 2002
Oxfordshire / Bucks
I have some M-Audio studio speakers which i connect to my PC and my CD player

When i have them connected up or not, there is a quite noise coming from it, not sure how to explain it, doesn't sound like interference

They are located on my desk either side of my monitor

if i turn the volume up to max it does not increase in decibels
any idea what could be causing this?

music etc come through fine
A description or recording of the noise would be really helpful in diagnosis. Can you record it with your phone and upload it to youtube or something?
Hum or hiss?

Hiss is actually Johnson-Nyquist noise, the reason for hearing it is usually down to excessive amounts of gain in the amplifier. AKA, a poorly designed amplifier if it's noticeable at anything other than ear to the tweeter.

A ground loop shouldn't be able to exist without an input connected. Hum can be both mechanical from eddy currents in the transformer causing vibrations in the laminations to poor filtering in the power supply inside causing hum to filter through. The easy way to identify the likely source of hum is whether the frequency of the hum is 50Hz or 100Hz. 50Hz is AC mains leaking through, usually caused by poor shielding and location of transformers/wiring. 100Hz is ripple on DC leaking though which is generally inadequate or faulty PSU filtration.
very strange
turned them on today, no noise at all lol

ill connect them up and have a listen, maybe it will come back

i dont think its hmm or a hiss
Don’t want to worry you but I had a set of m-audio active speakers a few years ago and they did that shortly before one stopped working completely.
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