Noisy Ivan

11 Sep 2009
Hi all - I bought a Verso Ivan and pretty happy with it except for the noise. Despite the spec advertising it as low noise (which is subjective) and with passive cooling parts - to my liking it is a bit too noisy. So in order to quieten it down I have installed a quieter CPU cooling fan which has helped... however the rather unusual 80x80x20 fan on the case has left me stumped. Anyone know where I can get a quieter one? They normally come 25mm thick which won't fit as it runs far to close to the motherboard....

Any help or further ideas are welcome.
Coolink 80L is 80x80x20 and 15db

Otherwise all of Hipers 80mm fans are 80x80x15 I believe, maybe a few that aren't but most are. Think they tend to be 19db btw.
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