Noisy neighbors

17 Mar 2004
How would you react to your neighbors playing music after 11pm? I had a case last night with the neighbors playing music past 12am, not too loud, but being a semi detached house I own, noise travels. I have knocked on their door before new years day 5am!! after the music was not stopping and they turned it down, but last night just stayed up until it stopped because I could not get any sleep with it going on.

I was going to Beastie Boy them this morning, when i got up at 6.30am, but g/f talked me out of it.

Anyone else have neighbors like mine? because surely they can appreciate, its a work day, yeah they might not have to goto work in the morning, but both my g/f and me do!
i was thinking of Goldie timeless with the bass in the understairs cuboard for max effect. But alas my bird would not go for that either. Fotunately, I am not manic at work, unlike next month when i leave work at 7.30 then get home at 8pm+ for a few weeks.
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