Noob help

27 Oct 2011
Cambridge UK
I'm looking at moving onto a bridge camera for a budget of about £200 - are there any suggestions on which would be best for the budget, features to aim for or avoid would be helpful too

I'm a complete amateur looking to dip my toe into this
I would have thought a budget dslr would serve you better? Generally speaking, I thought bridge cameras have fixed lenses, smaller sensors, and electronic view finders that don't really give a real representation of the image you are shooting? I could be wrong, but it was armed with this info that pushed me towards getting a dslr.

Of course it comes down to what you want to shoot, and your own personal preference really. Getting a cheap dslr in your budget might be a challenge, but I know the Canon eos 1200d kit was priced at £209 or £219 recently.

Edit: that price on the 1200d was for the body only, cheapest place was for £279..sorry.
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The more I'm looking into it a DSLR may be do able - I've seen the Nikon D3300 for £250 (including cash back) and some of the reviews have said this is a really good starting place.
That is what my wife has ordered me for Xmas, along with a telephoto lens :). I went with all the reviews for the best budget dslr for a beginner and that came up trumps. I am focusing (excuse the pun) more on lenses, as these will make a bigger difference than the Camera body.
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