Noob - if I delete a photo from iPhoto does it delete from original location?

28 Sep 2004
Bit of a long thread title but I thought I'd get straight to the point. Had my macbook since Wednesday and loving it, posting from a pc at the moment though lol but my question is all I ask.

I loaded up iPhoto '08 and it retrieves all the msn emoticons and things like that in an album called 'Resources' and obviously I don't want them on my iPhoto and I don't really just want to hide them so is emptying them from the iPhoto trash going to keep them on the mac or delete them forever?

ta. (sorry for the noob overload.)
Okay so question number 2 then, how can I access all the iPhoto photos?

I transferred a folder from my PC called Photographs and put that in 'pictures' then put them all in iPhoto so that means effectively I now have 2 copies of each? Using spotlight I searched for a folder name of one of the photo sets and there were 4 results:

1 with my original photos
1 with less photos (as I deleted some, so this is where iPhoto holds them)
1 with thumbnails of videos etc.
1 with edited photos.

Where are they stored? and can I delete my original photos folder now? I'd like to be able to just go in the folder occasionally for editing purposes etc and not use iPhoto...
When you import them it should (by default anyway) copy them into the iPhoto library so you'll have two copies, so it's safe to delete the folder you copied over.

The iPhoto library is in your Pictures folder called...iPhoto Library:p

With iPhoto '08 Apple have moved to keeping the entire library in a package, and you can have a poke around it if you so wish (either via iPhoto by right-clicking on an image and selecting "Show File", or right clicking on the iPhoto Library in Pictures and selecting "Show Package Contents").

When you edit an image in iPhoto it'll store the edited version in a totally different folder (all originals go into Originals and edited go into Modified), so you can revert to the original if you need to.

A word of warning though i'm not entirely sure how iPhoto handles changes to files done externally, although i'll guess it'll be ok :)
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