Noob needs help: Webplus + blog

13 Mar 2011
Bada Bing
I am designing a website for a friend on webplus (as it seemed the easiest to get started with) , they have given me a layout design.

The design is meant to have a frame on the right hand side that links to blog articles.

What i would like to do is to create the website and a blog. Then put in a frame on the website so that it links to the latest blog articles.

The tricky part is that my friend has very basic knowledge of computers, so what I need is some sort of online blog account he can sign into, write a new article and for it to automatically update in the frame on the website.

(that way i dont need to update the website everytime he wants a new article on there - im trying to make it almost maintenance-free)
Last edited:
13 Mar 2011
Bada Bing
Find a blog account that outputs in RSS and have an RSS feed on the homepage of the website?

Wordpress does it I think.

Interesting idea.

If i use wordpress can he log into a website and update with an article and not have to mess around with the host/website?

EDIT: Ive just watched a video and this looks great - thanks for the idea
Last edited:
13 Mar 2011
Bada Bing
@panyan wordpress will do exactly what you want, if you set your friend up as a "editor" role it lays the backend out much more simple and only allows him to edit posts, pages and the very very basics. More than he will need.

It also has revisions built in that can be restored with two click if he does manage to screw anything up.

I'm no expert but have built a fair few wordpress sites, just ask if you have any questions.

B-R-I-L-IANT thanks very much

Ill set myself up as the admin so i can theme it like the website

and set him as the "editor" and he can go in whenever he wants to update articles :D
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