Noob, want home cinema for TV

9 Nov 2015
So I want some better speakers for the TV essentially. It looks like I will be best suited to a home cinema system? I want to be able to hook up the tv and my xbox 360. I also want to be able to either play .mkv x264/x265 via usb or something through the unit, or just be able to plug a laptop or computer into the tv or unit and play them through the tv and the speakers, if that makes sense? I don't know the best way of doing this. I'd ideally like something sophisticated enough to configure placement of speakers so that it can adapt to the room it will be in? But I understand that is higher end stuff.

I think I am looking for a 5.1 system, with bookshelf front and centre speakers, and tall rear, but that is subject to change. The rears being wireless would be a big plus, but not essential.

Being able to just plug my phone into a 3.5mm jack would be awesome

I will use for watching tv, films, gaming and music.

A lot of bass is essential.

My budget is anything up £500, but if I can meet my needs with some of the £100 systems I am seeing that would be great too, not 100% sure how much of an investment I want to make, but I don't want to be disappointing with my purchase.

Thank you for any help! :D
Thank you for your response, I was wondering if I'd end up going down the route of separate components. I can believe I will get a much better quality from the combos you are suggesting, I just need to justify to myself what the actual difference is i am paying for. I know sound is something you really have to hear, but is there any forms of numbers or materials etc. in a spec sheet I can see to compare what sets the different system apart? I don't understand exactly what i am looking for. I understand different frequency responses come into it? and the ohms of the speaker? But really unsure. I really want to invest in something good. But I don't want to spend a lot more than i need to as I will rarely be able to play it at anywhere close to max volume, though it is nice to have when I want to really immerse in a film or some music. are there any slightly cheaper separates systems you could recommend for comparison? between £150-£300 would be ideal, so the sony and tonnoy system is very much on the cards, i just want to understand what makes them so much better, not that I doubt they are. Thank you very much
Thank you so much for your response, I will have a look at the clearance on richer sounds, and report back if anything seems appealing, however I think I am most likely likely to go with the sony and tannoy combo, I just don't know if I can justify the extra for the Yamaha without hearing it first. I would strongly consider second should it arise. I have also preferred a couple year old quality product over an inferior brand new product. I will likely report back with findings. Thank you again for such a detailed response.
I have just stumbled across these: (which are only a 20 minute drive away), given there are only 5 5.1 speakers in a 20 mile radius period, and that these are the only ones that come with a receiver, I thought it was too much of a coincidence not to be fate. Just wondering if the receiver is any good? Or how it compares to the Sony unit? I have looked it up and found specs etc., but it doesn't mean a great deal to me. Cheers

EDIT: Research into receiver shows it is prone to having a noisy fan, and generally not a good buy perhaps? :( Shame as it would be a nice saving on the speakers. It also irks me slightly that looking at amazon's history for the tanoy and sony units they both dropped to £129.99 a piece at one point, combine that with flubbit for an extra 10-15% off and its a big saving again. As it stands that package from richer sounds still seems the best deal, unless the fx system below would be sufficient, at least for entry level, and perhaps invest in a more future proofed receiver with upgrades in mind once I have learned more?
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I have messaged the guy to see if he will sell the SFX 5.1 speakers separately, If not I think I shall bite the bullet and spring for the Tannoy and Sony system :D

though the fx are tempting, I mean even just the speaker stands (which I will probably have to buy if not to suit the room) are likely to set me back that? (£25)
okay, dismissing the samsung av guy. but is the fx system worth it just for the stands? then maybe sell on the speakers? thought I may wall mount, was thinking stands as i am renting currently, but landlord doesn't mind as long as I make good, should only be two holes per speaker right? Only need to elevate the rears. Would the fx stands even fit?
I found this, but the reviews don't seem great and that is more than i'd like to pay, I'd sooner build a shelf myself
Just bagged myself the sfx5.1 and sony STRDH550 bundle for £258.95 in the black friday deal today, could have gone into town to get them, but don't have a car at the moment, so opted for free delivery online, means an eager 5 day wait though. Am I going to need a cable to plug audio into tv or will it all be hdmi? Don't want to be without any cables I need to get going once it comes. Thanks for all your help guys
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