Nooo! Dropped my T9!!

9 Jan 2003
Devastated. It's been such a great camera for me and then the other day when i was uploading the latest batch of pictures it crashed onto the floor. It's been on a 3 peaks expedition and everything with no bumps and now something like this happens :(

The LCD screen has gone a funny blue colour. It'll still take pictures but the screen is bust.

I'm going home in a couple of weeks to get the receipt, see if somehow i'm covered for it. I seem to remember buying an insurance thingy with it which i think covers me dropping it. But i might have dreamt this!!

How much do you guys think it will cost to get this repaired?
When I worked in a camera shop we used to charge at least £150 to repair a damaged screen...that was when the screens were only 1.5" though...I hope you have that insurance!
if the screen's broken and you dont have insurance, you may as well buy a new one :(

hope you have insurance!
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