23 Dec 2002
Shiny Shanghai

The worst day of my life :(

Not only did I miss out on getting a meatball sub of the day after the person in front of me got the last lot, but I find this..

Goddamn Americans ruining everything I hold sacred.

I've not seen the original, but looking at that trailer i'm gonna have to try and get hold of it. From that though, the american one doesn't look too bad, i've seen worse remakes.

But its still annoying Hollywood isn't coming up with new ideas, just rehashing either old films, or popular/scary asian ones.
From that trailer, they've done the usual trick of taking an atmospheric film and botched it up with SFX right in your face.

First Ring, then Dark Water then Ju-on (Grudge) and now Pulse (Also known as Kairo or Circuit)
How I despise thee U S of A !!!!
I know what you mean Moonpie.

Hollywood (the fiscal based morons churning out spoon-fed crap year after year) really do make a mess of the origionals. It's kinda like buying a Bugatti Veyron and dipping it in **** ... WHY!?

FULLY star your swearing.

Its not really about whether I watch it or not.
I'm just sick of my favorite films being ruined :(
Especially this one !!!

95% of the time (roughly), you can't take an oriental horror that's usually very personal to the moods and feelings and superstitions of the country that its created in and translate it for the western market.
You HAVE to ruin it in the process. Take Kairo (pulse) for example.
The original (if memory serves me correctly) has no loud/quick shocks in it, its all a mature look into lonliness and depression and the question about what happens after death. Its pure psychological horror.
Now look at the trailer for the remake... ITS A CHUFFING TEEN, CG HEAVY TRAVISTY !!!!
Sorry but no one is making you watch it and there is no point in getting worked up about it being remade.
I for one have enjoyed the US remakes of Japanese films as have many others. If there is a market for it, they will continue to remake these films for the western audience. Suits me.
Maybe I just care more about my favorite films being stripped down and rebuilt for a brain dead audience who will then claim that they've just watched this awsome new film ?

I have no beef with remakes if there's a point to remake it.
Like King Kong and Dawn of the Dead, both made ages ago and the remake added an extra oomph to them that couldn't have been done originally.

There's no need to ever remake a film that's 5 years old.
Ok, some people don't like subtitles... THEN JUST DUB IT !!!!

It seems that this remake is just another case of the American film industry running out of steam and stealing other peoples ideas for a quick buck and I don't like it one bit sir :(
I know what you mean.

I'd probably have to go on a killing spree in L.A if they dared to touch any of my favourite films...

Amelie starring Jessica Simpson and Ben Affleck?

Taxi Driver starring Tom Cruise and Jessica Alba?

Lol, i actually physically shuddered at the thought.

Hollywood 4tl. :(
Or you could, you know, focus purely on the fact that you love the original film, and nothing can ever take that away from you. If they do a remake, you can ignore it to your hearts content, because however bad they make it, it's never going to change how good the original was in your eyes.

It's entirely up to the studios if they want to remake a film, and there shouldn't be any stopping them. If they put out a crap film, it makes no sales, and they go under, so be it, they should have made it better. If they make a crap film, yet it sells loads and gets advertised everywhere, so what? Don't go and see it, and you won't ever have to care about its existence. It might be a pointless remake, but that's their choice to make.
I agree with you Weebull.
Just because I love the film, doesn't give me any right to dictate to anyone what should and shouldn't be allowed to be done with it. I just happen to think a substandard remake 5 years on is stupid while at the same time being typical of America's "steal and then ruin all the good ideas" phase they seem to be going through. (I assume substandard from the trailer)

I just thought I'd talk about it and vent my spleen on a forum and perhaps get a discussion going :)
There's a trailer for the original here if anyone's interested in comparing.
Well.... actually, it seems to be an American trailer for the Japanese film, but its the best I could find at short notice.
Still, you can clearly see the difference in mood and style.

I also hear they're remaking OldBoy :(
Well I don't disagree with your disappointment at them (no doubt badly) remaking a good film, but I think "worst day of your life" and your ranting in the original post may have been a tad melodramatic. ;)
there is also going to be a remake of infernal affiars with that grade a jackass leonardo dicaprio. ******.
infernal affiars is an AMAZING film scorese(sp) will ruin it! damm yanks!
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