Normal hue or faulty?

5 May 2007
When it comes to hardware, monitors scare me the most as they seem susceptible to varying levels of quality control/performance. Stuck/dead pixels, non-uniformity and backlight bleed for example can vary but at what point is it acceptable?

The other main issue is as there's such a wide variation between sizes, resolutions, response times and panel types, it's impossible to know whether you'd 'get on' with a monitor without buying it first, so that's a must.

I've only bought a few monitors over the years but most recently I've bought a BenQ EW3280U. The most expensive monitor I've bought (to date) but as it's the most expensive, I'd expect it to be perfect or very close. All reviews have given it a decent write up, 4/5 mostly and it's a great monitor except for one aspect. Annoyingly, it appears as though the bottom left hand corner of the monitor has a slightly pinkish hue, certainly while displaying greys and whites but on the right side, it's fine.

I'm well aware that some monitors cost lost of £££ and even they're not perfect. The haloing from the FALD Asus monitor seems laughable considering it costs £3K or whatever it is.

I'm tempted to return the EW3280U but it seems like a headache, what if the replacement is the same?

What's the general consensus around keeping a monitor, am I overreacting or should I be completely satisfied? Is it likely this monitor is somehow faulty or perhaps it's the panel and every EW3280U will suffer the same...?

I want your opinion plz!
I've taken a photo, it's pretty clear the left and right are different colours.

Is this normal?

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Interestingly, the replacement has just arrived and doesn't look to have the same hue issue - it's got decent uniformity. However, the replacement has a pretty noticeable and permanent blackish mark on the left hand side.

If this is an indication of how 'good' monitors are usually, how do manufacturers make a profit as they must surely get loads of returns... Unless people are happy to stick with them irrespective of fault?
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