Northbridge cooler for MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum?

6 Nov 2004
Hi, the fan on the northbridge cooler for my motherboard has become too loud and i'm wanting to replace it, i'd still a zalman on but would that be good enough to keep the northbridge cool enough + I doubt it will fit anyways as my x1800xt goes right over the edge of the current northbridge cooler covering it, a tall zalman one wouldnt fit.
I was wondering whats the best solution to this problem, is there a northbridge cooler out there designed for these kind of motherboards?
i'll post back here with pictures to see if the new zalman fits these boards just to let you lads know, its a fine looking heatsink though and fairly cheap also at around £8
Thats way too tall to work on my motherboard, but it looks nice and probably will perform better than the new zalman if you can get it on your board without interfering with anything else.
Simple answer, it doesnt fit properly but with a little modification it fits fine, i only took a little of the aluminium off.
Your graphics card would have to have watercooling or a vf900 or you have no chance.
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