Northbridge Fan on a DFI nF4 Ultra-D

22 Nov 2005
Dear all,

I'm wondering if this will do any good. If I remove the fan on the northbridge of my DFI NForce 4 Ultra-D, stick some AS5 on the chipset and the put the fan back on, will I see an improvement in the fan's cooling ability?
Yes, i did it to mine, under the hs was i lump of dry yellow crust, and aster replacing it with as5 it dropped my temps by about 8 degrees!
That's the kind of answer I was looking for. I've noticed during hefty gaming sessions that my northbridge can climb to as high as 42 degrees. Due to space consraints, I can't use my other PCI-E slot for my graphics card, so that rules a lot of the other coolers out. Thanks a lot for a speedy response.
Might be worth me doing that as well, never really thought to do it... My northbridge usually gets well hot (up to 50C) and the fan spins up and it quite loud. Putting some AS on it might keep it cooler and stop the fan from spinning up as much:)
My northbridge never gets as high as 50. Also, according to a similar post in DFI-Street, one guy was saying that after putting AS5 on his northbridge, his temps float at around 37/43C (idle/load). That's what tempts I float around at just now!!

Think I might leave mine for a bit and see how it goes. That fan is a noisy pain in the fundament tho.
Cleaning your NF4 Chipset fan and replacing with AS5 (or other thermal material!)

I obviously need to check this when I get back home, but I seem to have it stuck in my head that my northbridge cooler's held on with screws. Can someone tell me if I've imagined that? Do the newer DFI boards still have those daft little clips a la the above tutorial?

Massive pain the hoop to remove a mobo just to get at 2 daft wee clips. :mad:
One thing that might be worth keeping in mind, Streets. Would those white clips become brittle as they get older and become more exposed to heat? I'd hate to think anyone was about to undertake this project only for the clips to snap during disassembly. :eek:
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