norton ghost 9 help needed

2 Jan 2005
hi, been having problems with my hard disc (with xp on it) so i'm RMAing it and copying it to another older HD so i can boot with it (the old one works but is slow - long story).

so, i have norton ghost 9 and tried a simple drive copy, making the new drive bootable, but the new drive boots and then hangs at the windows xp blue welcome screen and doesn't go any further. - i tried booting from the ghost cd but it doesn't boot (i thought it was supposed to do this??).
i have an image of the drive to copy.

i've never had to use ghost before so any advice from experienced users would be welcome

same machine.

i think i've just done it - instead of using the drive copy i used restore image and restored an image of the drive i wanted to copy to the drive i copied to (the one that didn't boot xp last time)
unplugged the old drive and now i'm in windows on the new drive.

i would still like to know why the drive copy didn't work though.

and how i'm supposed to restore a drive if windows fails completely since i can't boot with the norton cd?? am i missing something here??

well, i least i did get it working using the restore drive image option - although why they put in the drive copy feature when it doesn't work is pointless.
i think i've solved my non-booting disc problem aswell - i was being stupid.

but ghost is hardly the hassle free program i thought it was - acronis for me from now on.
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