norton ghost

5 Jul 2005
Am trying to restore an image which is my windows one. ghost says this has to be done through its recovery console as its replacing the o/s. Have tried booting from the ghost cd but it takes ages loading. It finally gets stuck on the registering components. My laptop gets to this point after a couple of minutes rather than about 10 and doesnt get stuck. Have tried F6 and using nforce 4 disk drivers but that hasnt helped. Any ideas?
In the ghost we have (it's a pretty old version but I don't see why they would take it out) there's an option to make a bootable floppy disk so you can restore backups. Try find that ;) :)

Are you on a network of any sort? If so, try this...

1.) Go to and create a network boot disk. The boot disk it creates is absolutley excellent- it will boot practically ANY network card :D

2.) Copy the DOS version of Ghost onto a network machine in a shared directory along with the image file you wish to restore. The DOS version of Ghost should be called GHOST.EXE.

3.) Boot off the floppy disk and put your settings into the menu for the network.

4.) When you get to a prompt, type

net use z: \\machinename\share$

With machine name being the machine name you copied the files to and the share name being the share name you gave the dir in which ghost and the image file is located.

Then type

cd Z:


You should then be booting into the DOS ghost application where you should see a drive Z: when you select to restore an image. In the Z:\, you should also see you image file and all should be fine from there :)
i am on a network but wont be able to use another computer to access ghost.exe from. Also the image files from ghost is on a dvd. Have just got a copy of norton systemworks premium 2006 and thats causing bsod just after first loading screen of the recovery disk. It still works fine on my laptop.
Sorted it so thought would post back solution for others:
Used the recovery cd of systemworks 06 premium and then used driver disk that came with board. Selected nforce 4 storage controller and then ok. Said this driver was already available but set it to use one on floppy instead and worked ok.
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