NoSQL databases.

12 Mar 2004
I was wondering if anyone here has experience with NoSQL databases like orientdb which is a document-graph database.

I'm experienced with relational databases, but they obviously have their problems when trying to integrate them into OO applications.

I'd be interested in peoples opinions on their ease of use, performance, suitability etc.
OO applications as in Java, C#, C++, and not having to use cumbersome data access objects when accessing the database. Eg, orientdb allows you to use java code instead of sql to retrieve data from the database.
That's not the difference between NoSQL and relational databases. You can connect to all kinds of DBs in all kinds of different ways, you can run Java on an Oracle instance if you want to.

Yes I realise that but it is inherently easier to integrate some types of NoSQL databases into OO applications.
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