Not a log - a request, moving on from SL

23 Dec 2011
Northern England

I need your help.

For the last year and a half (on and off) I've been working at Stronglifts 5 x 5. Current stats are;

Height: 6ft
Weight: 90kg

Squat: 60kg (due to injury which is now recovering, max was 132.5kg but was going up with no failures until my knee went pop - injury to my patella tendon from a snow related incident made worse by skiing.) Going to keep the weight on this artificially low just until recovery is complete but number of reps and sets isn't a problem.

Bench: 90kg (just had to drop due to repeated failures but should get back above 100kg soon).

OHP: 70kg

Row: 70kg

Deads: 135kg again artificially low due to knee injury but now progressing again with no problems other than wobbles with my grip strength.

The trouble is that I don't know whether to add some supplementary exercises in (been adding chin ups to DL day) and stick with SL or, which I think may be my preference, change things completely.
Managing 1.5 to 2hrs 3-4 days a week isn't an issue.

I'd like to stick with the core exercises from SL with extras but I'm interested to see recommendations especially things to help with my upper body strength or aid knee recovery.

I have access to my own rack with latt and row attachment, bench and free-weights atm. Have no interest at all in joining a gym or machine exercises.
Stronglifts will do pretty much everything you need - it is that "good."

Howecer, supplemeary exercises can always be worked in:

- chins
- RDLs
- Bulgarian split squats
- lateral raises/broceps/tris/whatever...

However, most people talk about "upper body strength" when they just mean size... so if you want a routine that will get you bigger, HST is good but be prepared to eat. .. a lot. :)
Nah its really not a question of size. As it is i have pretty big shoulders and chest already. Arms wise...Yeah, somewhat puny!
It's strength. I really struggle with the overheads and getting to where I am for example. Benches too.
70kg OHP is not what I would call struggling!

No, it isn't, is it...? :p

OHP is a lift out of kilter with even our strongest guys on here - the only real notables are the very occasional posters who train for Strongman... 70kg would put you in the upper quartile. ;)

The way to get better at a lift is to do it more: if you pressed three times a week, you would get pretty strong at it. :) Or you can move to push press/jerk and shift a lot more. ;) :D
There are loads of routines out there - I'm no expert but I reckon they all work if there is lots of compound lifts in there. 531 is popular and easy to follow. Or a Push / Pull / Legs is also simple.
Just having a look at some of the routines suggested so far.

Quite liking the looks of Push / Pull / Legs but the advanced rather than beginner program
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