[NOT AN IPOD] really small mp3 for the gym

7 Jan 2007
Sussex, UK

Already got a creative vision m but its too huge for the gym. just after something small light that easily fits into the pocket.

I dont want an ipod unless you can get away with not using itunes.
Creative ZEN Stone? less than £40 I've not used one myself but many people have given them good reviews
creative zen stone. tiny little things. i paid 30 sheets for a 2gb player off the high street. you can probably get it cheaper online. you drag/drop using explorer. :)
The creative is over priced.

Get a Sansa Clip for half the price, it also has amazing sound quality!
Can you just drag and drop with winamp?

I dont wanna have to have two sets of files for my music i.e. AAC and mp3.


erm you can drag and drop with iTunes, you don't have to convert your music or anything either.

I don't understand why in this day and age people don't sync their music players. I have mine to automatically sync my most recently added 200 songs, my highest rated songs, my most recently played songs, my podcasts, and a playlist with all my favourite albums in. Everytime I plug it in it updates all the play counts on my PC, saves faffing around dragging a load of folders in every time I want to add an album.
Another vote for the zen stone plus mine was £39.99 for the 4gb its very small and sounds great , the only downside in reveiws seems to be battery life and not been able to browse while listening to music. these arnt an issue to me as i tend to either listen on the cycle path (2hrs max) or in bed but ive bought a creative charger(listen as u charge)
goes well with cx300s but i also use it with px100s and koss ksc75s
Zen stones can be bought for £20 or less delivered now. The player is about as simple as it gets and it's perfect for the gym. Never had a problem with mine, seems to work in any XP machine and transfering music is as simple as drag and drop. I did find the headphones a bit poor even compared to the £7.99 Phillips stuff I got from a catalogue store, but for the money can't complain.
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