not excited by new games

3 Oct 2009
North Wales
The last game I truly enjoyed and would play for hours a session was battlefield 2. I still play new games but I don't play anything for more than a hour at a Time anymore.

I was thinking of just getting a laptop and buy games on, old games are just better.

Fallout is better as a isometric rpg, star wars battlefront has boring auto rifle spam, half life 3 will be a dissapointment.
I'm in the same boat as you are. Last year was nothing but triple A disappointments. I've become really cynical about new releases and I just don't get as excited about new releases either. The only 'new' game I legitimately enjoyed was Resident Evil REmake last year, and that's a remake of the 2002 gamecube version which is a remake of the 1996 original!

I honestly feels so sorry for the people that get so hyped about new releases, they always seem to get let down.

Even new stuff like the DICE Star Wars game looks like Battlefield to me but with Star Wars skins.
I'm the same. But it seems to be the sheer volume of dross that that's baffling.

I keep going back to my core games, but the main two are pretty recent (ish) i.e. Guild Wars 2 and Elite Gangerous. Both are reinventions of old formulas - and Guild Wars 2 seems to be turning into Titan Quest - which is fine by me.
I'm the same. But it seems to be the sheer volume of dross that that's baffling.


I forgot to mention this. Have a look at the front page of Steam, new releases. Basically looks like the Google Play Game store on Android, loads of junk but the main difference is that on the mobile the majority of these are F2P, on them it's the otehr way round.
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I bought GTA5 and downloaded Hearthstone the same week can you guess what ive played more ??
I remember playing Vice city for hours and hours and think ive played an hour of GTA5 since ive got it.
I'm slightly aspergers so I don't really care too much about story lines etc as most of them just seem lame, I just go off whether the mechanics of the game are good and how dynamic the the game play is.

I really can't get excited about all the repetitive shoot em up miltary FPS games that seem so popular.
I agree I tend to find these days games fall into two main categories. Large development house or publisher led - generic and just try and gouge cash out of anyone who remotely likes the game or small indie - one good idea but not enough to hang a game off.

Steam is just cluttered with early access ripoffs and generic indie rubbish that looks like it has (and most likely has been) knocked up in Unity using shop assets in a fortnight.

Games just seem to have the same old tired mechanics, the same old storylines, and the same old gameplay. I've done all that before.

I miss the days when I used to go and buy games that came in cardboard boxes with manuals that were 200 pages long and graphics that were functional at best. I found them a bit more like reading - or a bit like playing Dwarf Fortress - you actually had to create the world in your mind and it was better for it.
OP: Play BF2 again.
I play the arma series, have done for donkeys years. A2 OA being my favourite in the series. Still play it several times per week.
Just go back and play some of the games you loved to play.

Games today are allowed to appear in very early form, there are some gems in there. But on the whole, its pretty bad. Now that's mainly indie, I gave up on AAA titles many years ago.
Do what I'm doing.

Go back and play console exclusives.

I'm currently playing through the second Uncharted game after completing the first. I'm also dipping into God Of War and Jak and Daxter on the PS2.
I don't get much gaming time, so I use my time carefully. The AAAs are, for me, not really worth bothering with. I stick with indies most of the time, and by doing so I tend to believe we are in an absolute golden age of gaming.

There's just something for everyone out there - you just need to identify what your "thing" is. And it might very well not be the same generic AAA game as everyone else is playing.
Have you tried playing Red Orchestra 2. If you find a good server it can be a lot of fun. I play on 40-1

It is a hard shooter compared to many of miltary FPS games out today. And you will die a lot at first, but if you give it some time, its a lot of fun
I go through lulls and starts. I hadn't really played any games for ages, then I installed Witcher 3. Very happy! :D
Last game I completed and really enjoyed was sniper elite v2. I play GZDoom more than anything else out there on PC as there is still so much going on in the DooM community.

New titles just seem overwhelming and I do not have the time to invest anymore. Indie games grab me far more especially retro platformers.

We are having a family BBQ on Saturday and believe it or not I am getting Micro Machines 2 setup to play with my cousin...I'm 36 and he is 37 :)
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Maybe if they released games that worked on launch it wouldn't be so bad, but time and time again they are crippled releases needing several patches in the first month. The trick is never to pre order anymore, dont pay full price for on the day releases unless you know its worth it otherwise wait a month or two where you can get it cheaper, patched and probably with DLC and still cheaper than launch price. Buying new at launch you can guarantee some kind of disappointment with flawed releases, especially annoying when games are apparently delayed so they work on bugs and optimisations yet the release is still shoddy.

I sold my Arkham Knight game code and am waiting several weeks until I know it's ready to be played the way it was meant to be played, not the sorry mess it is.
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