Well I haven't touched this scince I tweaked it to get it nice and smooth 1280x1024 with 2XAA and soft shadows off.
After seeing more people say how good it is thought I'd give it a bash and seemed to be getting around 17FPS constant. So I wen't and looked at the settings all fine, turned vsync off made sure my secondary display was disabled but still the same. Then I turned some settings down but was still getting the same FPS in game. I reinstalled my graphics divers (81.98) with driver cleaner pro and tried again but nothing. I've now set everything to minimum (looks like Doom) but I'm still getting around 17 FPS. I've also made sure the FEAR profile is set to application controlled.
Other games seem fine and I'm completly stumped and I'd like to avoid a reinstall atm so any help would be very much apprieciated.
After seeing more people say how good it is thought I'd give it a bash and seemed to be getting around 17FPS constant. So I wen't and looked at the settings all fine, turned vsync off made sure my secondary display was disabled but still the same. Then I turned some settings down but was still getting the same FPS in game. I reinstalled my graphics divers (81.98) with driver cleaner pro and tried again but nothing. I've now set everything to minimum (looks like Doom) but I'm still getting around 17 FPS. I've also made sure the FEAR profile is set to application controlled.
Other games seem fine and I'm completly stumped and I'd like to avoid a reinstall atm so any help would be very much apprieciated.