Not powering on - PSU and computer LED’s flash - faulty?

31 Aug 2007
***EDIT - all sorted now, plugged an old spare PSU in and the flashing has gone***

Guys, as per title.

Went to turn on my PC today and initially nothing, then after trying again, all the LED’s - fan controller, GFX card, PSU, sound card, all flashing like a light show!

Fans spinning up no problem. After a few seconds it shuts down then can’t be turned on again unless the power cable is removed for a while.

Does that sound like the PSU has ended it’s days?

I’m going to strip it later and see, but that’s my first thought.

PSU is a Zalman 850-HP and it’s really quite old, as is the entire system to be fair!!

Thanks for any suggestions
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