not sure if the cpu is overclocked properly

20 May 2006
Hi, Im relatively new to overclocking, and using the bios I have managed to overclock my cpu from the stock speed of 2000mhz to its current setting of 2450mhz.

Im not sure if this has been done properly, heres what my cpuz looks like;


does this look like it has been done right? It passed one test of prime95's blend torture mode and I havent experienced any instability.

I need some reassurance :)
on occasion the system has locked up for no apparent reason. This seems to occur when the cd or dvd drives are attempting to access data.

my drives are both set on cable select since I only use one IDE cable, does it work to set one on master and the other on slave using the one cable? And is setting drives on cable select a known cause of computers locking up?
ok youre gonna have to explain to how to change to 1t also the only multipler I could find in my bios was something called Hammer FID control

Should I try rasing this value? Its currently set to auto
I set it to 1T in the bios and the computer refused to boot, I then couldnt access the bios when I rebooted so I had to take out one of the 512 sticks, set it back to 2T, then open up the computer again and put the 512 stick back.

Oh I also found the HT multiplier, it was well hidden away, and I set it to 4x and the computer again refused to boot.

So this has been a bit of a wasted exercise, but thanks anyway for your knowledge oc pbb'ers.

I was also wondering was it my ram or my motherboard at fault for not being to boot at 1T? My memory is all from the "value" range - 1 stick of 512 corsair value ram, one 512 stick of corsair value select ram and a gig of elixir ram (cheap make).
No, what I did was I put the one gig in a yellow slot next to a 512 stick and a 512 stick in the blue slot.

I also tried putting a gig and a 512 in the yellow slots and a 512 stick on the furthest blue slot so that there was a empty slot between.
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