Not sure what speakers to buy, Aego M beater..

5 Dec 2007
Im looking at buying a decent speaker set for my PC within the next week.
I have had my eyes on the Aego M's, until i read a review from WhatHIFI.

"This system used to be a favourite of ours – that’s why it was a 2006 Award-winner. So why the drop to three stars?

The answer lies in the fast-changing standards among desktop speakers. This likeable package is as good as ever, but the standard has risen so sharply it’s been overtaken."

They also mention the Aego's missing on mid tones.

They reccomend Lars & Ivan BK-21 speakers instead, and they now have the 2007 award.

Its around £130, what do you guys think?
Does anyone own them?

Thanks a lot.
Any review in what hi fi isn't worth the paper it's written on it's a terrible mag tbh they almost give 5 stars to anything they get for free or just like personally.
All pc speakers miss on mid tones they are essentially tweeters and subs most of them.
Get a 2nd hand cambridge A5 and some bookshelfs far better than any pc speaker rubbish I own logitech z4's which are quite well regarded but they are absolute garbage for anything other than general use bung some rock on and they are terrible no midrange what so ever really.
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So is it possible to plug my ipod dock into the cambridge a5 + bookshelf speakers?

And this will sound much better than standard pc 2.1 speakers?
I dont know what speakers to get... :(

Im having exactly the same problem mate. :(

Dunno whether to buy a brand new 2.1 speaker set or get a second hand amplifier and bookshelf speakers.

If I do get the amp and bookshelves, i reckon i'll get the Cambridge Audio A5 and Mordaunt Short 302 speakers, or Kev Crestas.

Too much choice if you ask me. :(
I'm going for brand new 2.1 as i only have £130 and cant afford to wait around for the Cambridge A5 cheap on an aution website.

I am really confused by the review by WhatHIFI, can i trust them and get the Lars & Ivan BK-21 or will i be disapointed/feel like i missed out by not getting the Aego's.

EDIT: Ive decided to go for Audioengine A2's. They have amazing reviews. Google their website and check the reviews out. People comment saying they are better than the Aego's as they have better midrange.
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sat+sub combos will also falter on midrange, its just a limitation of small satellite speakers. they cant produce the range and if you get the sub to try to cover it, the sub becomes very peaky and directional.

The a2's look great but bare in mind they are designed with near-field use in mind, so they'll sound optimum right in front of you probably no more than 50cm away on the desk. if thats what you'll be doing then its all good. speakers actually designed for near field use will put any sat+sub combo to shame if you're sitting close to the speaker. well, in all but bass anyway.

those a2's do have a better midrange looking at it, but the midrange is pretty peaky looking at the tests done. still, id take that over the opposite any day.
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sat+sub combos will also falter on midrange, its just a limitation of small satellite speakers. they cant produce the range and if you get the sub to try to cover it, the sub becomes very peaky and directional.

The a2's look great but bare in mind they are designed with near-field use in mind, so they'll sound optimum right in front of you probably no more than 50cm away on the desk. if thats what you'll be doing then its all good. speakers actually designed for near field use will put any sat+sub combo to shame if you're sitting close to the speaker. well, in all but bass anyway.

those a2's do have a better midrange looking at it, but the midrange is pretty peaky looking at the tests done. still, id take that over the opposite any day.

Cool, thanks :]
I am also looking at the A5's but only if i will have enough money and can find them cheaply.
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