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Not sure where to ask this. Need help disabling HPET.

19 Sep 2014
Hey Guys,

I'm looking to disable HPET however I can't seem to find the option in my BIOS which is Gigabyte Z97x-SLI. If my motherboard doesn't have the option what would be the best thing to do.

I've been referencing THIS GUIDE which says the benfits can be less microstutter and screen tearing which a definitely a problem on my R9 290.
19 Sep 2014
I had to request it on here for my Z87 Gigaman should be able to help you. But the bios i got is not even on the website.

You reminded me to update him and the thread because HPET now is only showing in the fancy bios version, or is it classic i cannot remember. But certain things are only available to see and disable in certain modes. Gigabyte have been very very poor imo and i will not buy again. But yes it helped me a lot everything in my pc latency wise took a MASSIVE nosedive for the better with hpet off.

Thanks for the reply mate. I've read that the Z97x doesn't have the option which is extremely frustarting. What would be my best option failing turning it of in the BIOS? On the guide I linked he recommended setting the resolution timer to it's maximum (0.5ms?) for people with HPET enforced.
19 Sep 2014
Op you reading to much into this. This has no effect on screen tear. It can help reduce DPC latency improving audio and gaming, but from my tests I even posted on here it was best to leave enabled in bios and off in Windows. If you can't switch off in bios then your bios will have it forced.
By default windows doesn't use HPET, you can force it.
It uses another timer I forget the name, and when you have HPET enabled in bios windows can then be forced to use it..
If you not already forced it then you won't be using HPET now..

Ah fair enough, I do tend to get a little hung up on things like this to be honest! I checked and it's off in Windows, and since there's no option in the BIOS I can assume it's enabled? I did change the the resolution timer though and thing feel a little snappier.
19 Sep 2014
There is a thread on here you should be able to find and read about a cmd command about platform clock true and false. Some said hpet on in bios is best with hpet off in windows. But i think it is fine and probably best just disabling in bios and not touching in windows and do a fresh install because my dpc is as low as it can get really.

Although i would format just to make sure nothing timer wise is messed up. HPET should be available to disble on z97, there is no reason why because as far as i know hpet is dying for a better timer i do not remember the name of that. The problem is your gigabyte bios you need to update to the latest, or request that off the gigabyte rep on here called gigaman.

He helped me, And shouldbe able to help you. For the record my DPC latency in latencymon latest in win 8.1 is around 3-12us idle and around 40-55 gaming. But i disable a lot of crap as well to get that low and install very little apart from drivers.

It really looks like the option doesn't exist on z97. Ah well, it's not too much a problem really!
19 Sep 2014
Lucky guy!!! Spread the words peeps Gigabyte HPET on Z97.

Download latencymon on windows 8.1 and run it, let it sit idle. Then downoad the bios and disable the HPET option. Now when you have finally done all this run the following CMD command as administrator: bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock

And reboot and watch as you get way less latency.

Thanks for sorting that out with Giga-Man for me mate, really nice of you and very much appreciated! :)
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