Note 8 quiet on Bluetooth?

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
This might be a stupid question, but its annoying me.

I have a load of phones for some stupid reason and my main one is my trusty Note 8.

The thing is, that through Bluetooth, the speakers are always quiet as hell.

Through normal speakers, its fine, but not BT

My other phones ( and there are a load ) its absolutely fine?

Is there any missing volume adjustment that I am missing?

Now, I use my headphones on my bike and so what I have ended up doing, is using a Blackberry just for the music and this then stops me using the phone facility when Im out and about.

Anyone know whats up or is it me?
Have you tried turning off absolute Bluetooth? You might need to go into the phone's developer options to do this. You'll also may need to restart the phone after toggling the setting, and then maxing out the headphone's own volume as it'll no longer be linked to the phone's.
Absolute Bluetoth? No, I will have a look at that thanks.
Developers options.. No worries they are enabled.
Maxing out the headphones. Yeah, but this only happens with that one phone, so its the phone surely?

I wil have another play so thanks.
AHA - I think this may be something to look deeper into!

It has certainly done something because now I cannot hear a thing?
The headphones certainly give me their usual "CONNECTED" "DISCONNECTED" and so on, but as for any music or anything coming through? its now completely silent.

So, I will keep on fiddling about and who knows?
The Headphones are flawless through the Note 3 and the S20 and the Blackberrys and even the Windows phone, but that Note 8...

That said, I think I might do a Factory reset of that phone and see where that takes me?
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