Notepad++ Broke my HTML

9 Dec 2006
I coded my website using Notepad++

all was good formatting was great at work uploaded fine etc.

Come home View my site all fine however in my version of NOTEPAD++ its all on one line... :(

checked source code on my website and its all on one line to..

so i cannot do nothing till i get back to work.

any ideas?
Have you uploaded from a Windows box to Linux server or vice versa, by any chance? Check your line-endings (there will be a section of the status bar that will say Dos\Windows, UNIX or Macintosh); if the file you're opening has line-endings for a different system, it may not be displayed correctly.
cheers i done it the old fashion way in the end

return etc.

my server is on unix yes my work is on windows 7 so in theory should have been the same but oh well.

now, i got to try think of something to put on it. i only made it to see if i could still do them.

Ps do you like the switchover css i put in [pick a os] :)
cheers i done it the old fashion way in the end

return etc.

my server is on unix yes my work is on windows 7 so in theory should have been the same but oh well.

now, i got to try think of something to put on it. i only made it to see if i could still do them.

Ps do you like the switchover css i put in [pick an os] :)

Nice little edition there with the switchover.
I don't know if it's standard in notepad++ or it's something I've installed at one time but you can highlight the code and go to TextFX menu then TextFX HTML Tidy.
Plenty of options in there including Tidy which is pretty nifty.
Think that's an add-on as mine doesn't seem to have it. I'm off to Google though as it sounds handy.
Open Notepad++, then click on Plugins. Select "Plugin Manager > Show Plugin Manager". Scroll down and tick TextFX box, click on Install and Notepad++ will install whatever plugins you just selected. :)
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