notice ubuntu linux is v v v sensitive to overclocks

7 Aug 2004
As title really, if I clock my celeron pc up even 50mhz over default ubuntu goes mental, and just broke my installation doing so, now reinstalled (always errored unless running at default), and it works again (at default)

If I install windows on it, the pc is rock solid stable at 470mhz above its stock speed (1.7ghz celeron at 2170mhz, 0.18m)

odd, any idea why ?
I usually run underclocked (AMD 2400+ at 1.4Ghz ish), and ubuntu is a touch iffy.

Then again, it's iffy when I run at stock, so it may just be the CPU.
I've heard it said that Linux can be dodgy with overclocking, but never had too much trouble on my overclocked Gentoo box. Not tried overclocking my Ubuntu box. Might give it a shot over the weekend and get back to you.
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