Noughts and Crosses - BBC Specualtive Fiction TV Show

13 May 2003
Hi Guys

Not seen a thread on this.

New show on the premise that an African Empire conquered Europe 700 years ago and a kind of South Africa style apartheid exists today but in reverse.

TV show -
Novel Series -

I had really low expectations of this because the BBC loves this kind of PC stuff and generally does a **** job of it.

I have just watched the first episode and it was substantially better than I expected. Plot driven, good acting not outright in your face "right on" message other than the basic premise.

I'll probably watch a few more episodes and see how it goes. Vaguely Romeo and Juliet style plot with convincing actors in the lead.

Anyone else watching this?
Got one more episode to go. It's been fairly good.

I didn't know it was based on a book till my wife said she'd always wanted to read them.

Felt bad for the prison guard. He was a good man.
Caught the start of one of the episodes and looked quite interesting so have downloaded the first few episodes.
I usually get pretty triggered by the reverse victor thing for some reason although I find the idea of it really interesting in principal.
We'll see!
Just finished the final episode, far better overall than I’d expected. The relationship between the 2 leads strained credibility in the last 2 episodes and could have been better done but a minor gripe in an otherwise good effort. The central conceit was nicely set up and delivered and although the budget limitations showed at times it was very convincing.
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