Novice Dual Channel Memory Question

13 Jan 2004
I have had 4 sticks of Dual Channel 512mb PC3200 memory running to 2gbs in my PC.

Today I got two OCZ 1GB sticks of PC4000 DDR memory totalling 2GB's

I installed the OCZ memory into my PC and it ran fine, I then put 2 of the 512 dual channel sticks into the machine hoping to get 3GB, but all I get no matter what sticks I use is the blue screen of death. Can you not use different memory totals on the board, If I wanted more than 2gb, would I need 2 more sticks of 1gb memory?

Cheers for the help, memory is not my strong many ways!
Thats because mixing and matching different types of memory isn't really advisable. Can cause no end of problems...

Why do you need more than 2gigs of memory? 2gigs is about optimum at the moment, nothing will really push that (unless you're running some pretty high end programs). Running more than 2 sticks will mean you have to run at 2T and will lose some performance that way.

I personally would sell the other 4 sticks and just keep the 2 1gig sticks in my machine:)
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