Now this is some wierd looking RAM

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
Well a wierd looking heat spreader anyway

The thing is, this one has a bunch of very functional twists, it is not a pretty chunk of anodized bling bling. The copper blades and heatsink are necessary because of the on board VRMs, things not normally found on DIMMs. Yes, you plug a floppy power cable into the top right corner, and it powers the beast directly.

You can adjust this power with a screwdriver, included, up to a max of 3.0V. In case you didn't get the picture, this is hardcore overclockers memory, or possibly just hardcore art deco collector memory.
What's the point, most mobo's offer that kind of voltage anyway, why not allow up to 4V :cool:

[edit]It's DDR2 so 3V is actually quite high :o [/edit]
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Yes and a decent amount of airflow is all that's needed. Most ram sinks don't increase the surface area at all hence are a waste of money.
welshtom said:
ahhh if its ddrII that would explain why 3v is good. that stuff runs on a lower default voltage doesnt it
Yes, I just assumed it was DDR, it's DDR2 so 3V is actually quite high.
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