Now What?

30 Nov 2005
Ok so I've finished Divinity: Original Sin and now need something else to fill the quite considerable void(no pun intended) it's left. Like most of us I've got more games than I'm ever likely to play, but I've whittled it down to the following candidates.

Action RPGs
Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor. Heard good things about it.
The Witcher 3. played 1 & 2, really enjoyed them, & everyone is singing it's praises to high heaven!!!
Mass Effect 3. played 1 & 2, really enjoyed them, maybe even more than The Witcher 1 & 2.
Skyrim, done 100+ hours, still nowhere near finished would like to mod the **** out of it.
Fallout 3 GOTY, still nowhere near finished & would like to mod the **** out of it.
Fallout NV GOTY, only played a couple of hours &* would like to mod the **** out of it.

Isometric RPGs
Baldur's Gate 1 EE got about 6 hours in, didn't grab me initially, but I reckon it'll get better. *
Baldur's Gate 2 EE *
Icewind Dale 1 Complete EE. Heard it's the best of the EE RPG's
Planescape Torment. Got pretty far into this when it 1st came out & really enjoyed it.
Pillars of Eternity. Haven't got it yet, but my training partner is playing it and absolutely loves it, & can be got for about ~£15. Thing is I've got loads already so not sure I want to get any more games.
Wasteland 2. not heard much about this but looked ok, so got it on the Christmas sale.

*With the Baldur's Gate games, I've also got the original games modded with the Throne of Bhaal extender to join 1 & 2 together & add more content so could play that.

So as you can tell I've really got no idea, so over to you, impart your wisdom! :)


Oh yeah I've got GTA V as well. :D
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I'm a great lover of the BG series, though coming into them fresh these days might be difficult due to the age. If it were me I'd go for a BG playthrough, it can be both daunting and slow moving at first but is well worth it when it gets moving.

If you fancy something a bit more modern I'd say F:NV, it's effectively F3 but with more of a focus on keeping in line with the older games. The humour is more prevalent, and the lore is adhered to more faithfully. Also I bloody love the setting , woo Vegas and all that, actually booked a £3k holiday off the back of it.

If you fancy a mixture of both suggestions F1 and F2 are both dated in the same way as the BG games but still definitely worth your time. Let me know how you lean, I love pretty much all of the games you've mentioned and really envy people coming at them with fresh eyes.
Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor. - Found it very repetitive after a while (a view shared by most people I've spoken to about it.)

The Witcher 3. - Play it! I've got about 20 hours in, and feel like I've barely scratched the surface, graphically stunning, great writing and addictive gameplay (and Gwent is awesome :p)

Skyrim - as with SoM, found it got a bit repetitive, spent ages modding it to look amazing, then lost interest

Fallout 3 GOTY/Fallout NV GOTY - both awesome and are on my replay list after I finish TW3.

Basically, I'd recommend TW3! (Unless you want to try and get through the FO games before 4 comes out later this year ;))
The fallout 4 announcement made me give FO3 another go (completed main before but not really much else). Tried to mod it, got a bit annoyed with trying to make everything work. Ended up just playing it with all settings maxed, loving it (again) so FO3 or NV gets my vote :)
I'd go for FO:NV or Witcher 3, depending on which ever is more appealing.

With FO4 on the horizon I initially went back to FO3. Although it had been a good 3/4 years since I'd played it, I still remembered all of the story lines and that sucked all the fun out of it. I've previously done all of the side quests etc so there wasn't much new to see.

FO:NV on the other hand I'd only played the main quest and a handful of side quests so hopped over to that. I've put in about 40 hours so far, absolutely love it. Check out the Project Nevada mod, and of course the texture mods. Given you have only played a couple of hours so far then NV is a perfect option.

Elite: Dangerous isn't something to sink in loads of time unless you enjoy repetitive grinding. I'm a massive Elite fanboy so don't get me wrong, a good chunk of my childhood was spent on the BBC Micro version and I was an alpha backer for ED (threw a LOT of money their way), but the game really doesn't have a lot of content right now to keep you properly entertained for an extended period.

Witcher isn't my cup of tea, but if you liked 1 and 2 then you surely can't go wrong there either.

Might I also suggest checking out Wasteland 2 :)
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Witcher 3.

it aint all that it is made out to be, lots of shortfalls in various departments but still a very good game. 8/10.

Graphics are stunning though! Best looking free roaming rpg ever!
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I just finished Witcher 3 after 220 hours and loved every minute of it.
I've put 1000+ hours each into Skyrim and both Fallouts and none of them come close to W3.
Let me know how you lean, I love pretty much all of the games you've mentioned and really envy people coming at them with fresh eyes.

I started Shadows of Mordor an played a few hours but I just seemed to be blundering round the starting area helping the Orcs get promoted. So I started the Witcher 3 and really like it(not that I disliked SOM). I think I play them both for a bit longer and see what I get into more.

I also decided against deciding against getting Pillars of Eternity as I managed to get it for a tenner so that's another big game that's on the list.
id wait for the wasteland 2 director's cut which will be free if you own wasteland 2 , It includes updated visuals, new Perks & Quirks for in-game characters, Precision Strikes and redesigned combat encounters, more voices
Shadowrun Returns
Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall - *still think one of the best RPGs of last year straight up if not the best RPG of last year*
Witcher 3. I'm enjoying it and I didn't like the first two (no idea why, tried repeatedly on both). Doing a lot of DIY around the house so my PC is packed away and I'm pretty keen to get it back up and running so I can have another session!

Shadow or Mordor is good action wise but pretty thin on meaningful/engaging content. Still a blast to play though.
Completed Shadows of Mordor last night, really enjoyed it. Huge change of pace from Divinity: OS. While it wasn't bad, the story was pretty flimsy compared to Divinty, but I think that was purely secondary concern to The Nemesis System. Do the DLCs add to the story or are they just challenges, with the exception of The Bright Lord?

Onto either Pillars of Eternity, Mass Effect 3 or The Witcher 3 next I think.
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I can say that i really enjoyed Shadows of Mordor - PS4 though so i can assume in a capable pc will look even more stunning. I enjoyed the story - nothing super wow- but the nemesis system is amazing. I haven't played the DLC though.

As for the next game i would go in your case for Mass Effect 3 first and then Witcher 3.
Completed Shadows of Mordor last night, really enjoyed it. Huge change of pace from Divinity: OS. While it wasn't bad, the story was pretty flimsy compared to Divinty, but I think that was purely secondary concern to The Nemesis System. Do the DLCs add to the story or are they just challenges, with the exception of The Bright Lord?

Onto either Pillars of Eternity, Mass Effect 3 or The Witcher 3 next I think.

Lords of the Fallen might be worth a punt.
Shadowrun Returns
Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall - *still think one of the best RPGs of last year straight up if not the best RPG of last year*

I totally agree with you, truly superb RPG's that sadly seem to be overlooked by the masses. Definitely pick this up as it's cheap as chips and has tons of gameplay * £3.62 * <-- ;)
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