NT logon script

14 Jul 2003
I used a very basic logon script on our server to ensure that drives are mapped to the right letter etc. We run everything from 95 to XP. I've noticed (only been in the job a few months) that the script is VERY slow on XP machines for not apparent reason. Even with brand new XP installs it's still a healthy delay. Is there something wrong in the syntax that's causing this? perhaps a way of speeding it up? example of the mapping in the script:

net use q: \\pdc\pupils /y

Currently running NT Server, but going to server 2003 in a few weeks so perhaps it wont be an issue then!
you got the XP firewall on the machines? try removing it

whats the pings like to pdc from the XP machines?

are the XP machines on the same subnet?
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firewall is disabled, network performance wise the PCs are extremely fast it appears to somehow be messing with the performance on the PCs themselves almost as if they're hanging whilst loading.

Yeah all XP machines are on the same subnet.
Im pretty damn sure (cant remember where it is now)

that on the server, you can choose binding, so basicily, it checks the top protocol first, and if it fails, it then goes to the second binding. Maybe you have a Novell or UNIX at the top of the list? I think its called binding (or is that when you have two NICs in?)

Can the XP machines access the PDC at normal speed through explorer etc?
yeah annoyingly the PCs are only slow whilst running this login script, at all other times they zoom along. I wouldn't mind but even the 2K machines I have are all much faster and aren't suffering from this issue. Ah well maybe it'll be fixed with the new network and servers I'm due soon, I'd go ahead and start hacking the scripts up but they've been working for 3 years now and I've only been in post 2.5months so don't want to screw it up just before moving to Server 2003 :p
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