NTL set top box connecting

30 Aug 2004
Just a couple of questions as I will be getting ntl installed in my room on saturday.

Can I get a connection to use my 19" widescreen instead of bringing a 14" tv from home? I sold my tv card but can i plug the set top box into my screen somehow (its only got a vga connection)

How do I share the tv connection with a room next to me as me and another lad a sharing tv and interent (£120 each for the year)

VIRII said:
You could put a splitter before the box but the tv not sourced from the STB won't get all the channels - it will get some though.

Please explain :confused:

Whats a digisender, we dont really mind watching the same stuff
How much would it cost for another set top box?
VIRII said:
At my old house, when I cancelled Cable from NTL, I plugged my TV into the cable socket, hit autotune, and received a lot of channels in good quality.
These were picked up by my TVs inbuilt normal tuner, it was some time ago and I haven't tried it in my new house but I would imagine that most of the freeview type channels would be available to your friend via his TV's own tuner.
So one of you would get the full range of NTL channels that you pay for and the other would get a fair amount of freeview channels.

are right. thanks for the info. I think what im gonna do is put the box downstairs and have net running upstairs to a router. (and get money off everyone for tv)

This is, as long as ntl let me do this as i said i wanted it just for my room, i dont see why not though, all they need to do is put in an access point downstairs. that or trail a huge cable from room to the living room
VIRII said:
My NTL TV and NTL broadband go to different rooms on different cables.
I would assume that they'll let you do that, or rather do it for you.
I also replaced their modem cable with my own recently (from outside) as I wanted the modem in a different room again.

when we had ntl the first year it came through their modem then to my router and out 4 ways, last year (2nd year) we had a settop box and network cable just plugged into my router then it was split as before.

I dont think they will be able to put a set top box in our frint room because its sort of in the middle of the house, trailing a thick cable from my room to downstairs would probably be just as easy
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