NTL Tech Support

13 Feb 2003
Over the Moon
What a waste of time, this is a conversation I have just had with a lady from their broadband technical support.

Me: Hi there, I am currently on your 2meg product but I seem to be connected at 1 meg speeds, could you help me?
Lady: How do you know you are connected at that speed?
Me: Browsing is generally slower and i've done several speed tests that never go above this speed and my upload is at 64k.
Lady: So you are experiencing slow speeds?
Me: No, I pay each month for 2 meg speeds not 1 meg, it's not just slow it's connected at the wrong speed.
Lady: I want you to open a website while you have nothing else downloading.
Me: Ok, what exactly would that do?
Lady: Have you done that?
Me: Yes.
Lady: Ok you are connected at 2 meg speeds.
Me: What? How exactly do you know that, you haven't even taken any of my details and you tell me that I am connected at 2 meg speeds?
Lady: Yes your connection is fine.
Me: Hangs up.

Absolutely pathetic. None of my details were taken, nothing. So I call back and explain, and speak to a guy this time, and explain the situation. Have you requested to be downgraded? No I tell him, I said you have my account details and notes, what does it say? It says you are on 2 meg sir, but I can't do anything until customer services opens on monday.

I thought Bulldog was bad, ever since I have been with NTL they haven't got my bills right either, was bein charged for the 10 meg product until last month, why they don't know either. Makes me have lots of faith in them.
Going to ring up on monday and going to consider to request cancellation early on the basis of breech of contract.

What does everyone think?
Mikol said:
With the advances of telecoms, they probably didn't need to take your details if you were calling off your home phone.
Possibly, but opening a webpage and then saying i'm connected at 2 meg, my word a baby monkey gorilla could have done better than that, that is by far the funniest thing I have heard from tech support before on anything.
iamgud said:
I don't work for NTL but I do wotk in tech supppurt and trust me it is the other way round, you customers are stupid. :D
Ah are you one of those outsourced tech support that they keep recommending :D
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