This thread is generally aimed to discuss what is likely to happen to NTL/Telewest rebranding to Virgin Media. But Im also interested to hear of people's experiences with NTL/Telewest anyway like mine below:
Personally I've been with NTL for a good few years as it was the cheapest way of getting phone/tv and Internet. Now the time has come to start addressing paying too much for the service I recieve and to look at going elsewhere. For me, I can just about live with the rubbish Set top box and TV service speed and reliability, if the phone and broadband always stays reliable and fast and good speed for the money. I have no problem paying a little bit extra for cable, in that it usually guarantees a set speed and has lower latency and none of the ADSL hassle. However, lately ive become fed up with ntl on the basis that I can get better for my money elsewhere. I pay £24.99 for 4mb Internet and brand new customers can get it for £17.99 for 12 month contract. I pay £47 per month for tv/phone/internet and could get sky for £37 per month (including bt line rental) for upto 8mb broadband.
NTL support is pretty poor and they are consitently good at mucking up bills and getting things wrong. Finally, the speeds they give you for such services on broadband, are simply not being achieved. There are talk of trials for 20mb and even 50mb speeds, but so many people on a) 4mb and b) 10mb do not recieve anywhere near the speeds they should already. They traffic shape quite noticeably and at peak times speeds drop to often less than half of your set speed.
Now whilst new customers get better deals I have been reading of so many people ringing NTL retentions dept. to threaten to leave NTL, and are then given "one off" offers specifically tailored to that individual cusotmer at the time of that call, to get massive discounts to get them to stay.
Is it fair that so many customers are paying such differing amounts for different tiers of product/service? I have read on other forums poor old people paying £50+ per month for the same service that others get for £30 per month, all because they threatened to leave!
Well Im not having this I thought, so phoned ntl and talked about getting my monthly bill down and all she could do was reduce it down for 3 months.
There is now talk of what will happen to all of these "back door" differing offers that differetn customers recieve when the rebrand to virgin media takes place. There is supposedly a big announcement tomorrow on the 8th from Virgin Media and its all just a bit up in the air.
Im not sure whether to jump ship to sky or stay to see what will happen? Would prefer to stay to keep my rolling contract rather than commit to a new 12 month one. But frankly, 4mb broadband that doesnt stay at that speed which is overpriced and tv that is no where near as good as skies, is making me want to ditch them.
What will virgin media bring? there is also rumours of further rollouts of speed increases i.e. 4mb > 10mb, 10mb > 20mb etc.
Personally I've been with NTL for a good few years as it was the cheapest way of getting phone/tv and Internet. Now the time has come to start addressing paying too much for the service I recieve and to look at going elsewhere. For me, I can just about live with the rubbish Set top box and TV service speed and reliability, if the phone and broadband always stays reliable and fast and good speed for the money. I have no problem paying a little bit extra for cable, in that it usually guarantees a set speed and has lower latency and none of the ADSL hassle. However, lately ive become fed up with ntl on the basis that I can get better for my money elsewhere. I pay £24.99 for 4mb Internet and brand new customers can get it for £17.99 for 12 month contract. I pay £47 per month for tv/phone/internet and could get sky for £37 per month (including bt line rental) for upto 8mb broadband.
NTL support is pretty poor and they are consitently good at mucking up bills and getting things wrong. Finally, the speeds they give you for such services on broadband, are simply not being achieved. There are talk of trials for 20mb and even 50mb speeds, but so many people on a) 4mb and b) 10mb do not recieve anywhere near the speeds they should already. They traffic shape quite noticeably and at peak times speeds drop to often less than half of your set speed.
Now whilst new customers get better deals I have been reading of so many people ringing NTL retentions dept. to threaten to leave NTL, and are then given "one off" offers specifically tailored to that individual cusotmer at the time of that call, to get massive discounts to get them to stay.
Is it fair that so many customers are paying such differing amounts for different tiers of product/service? I have read on other forums poor old people paying £50+ per month for the same service that others get for £30 per month, all because they threatened to leave!
Well Im not having this I thought, so phoned ntl and talked about getting my monthly bill down and all she could do was reduce it down for 3 months.
There is now talk of what will happen to all of these "back door" differing offers that differetn customers recieve when the rebrand to virgin media takes place. There is supposedly a big announcement tomorrow on the 8th from Virgin Media and its all just a bit up in the air.
Im not sure whether to jump ship to sky or stay to see what will happen? Would prefer to stay to keep my rolling contract rather than commit to a new 12 month one. But frankly, 4mb broadband that doesnt stay at that speed which is overpriced and tv that is no where near as good as skies, is making me want to ditch them.
What will virgin media bring? there is also rumours of further rollouts of speed increases i.e. 4mb > 10mb, 10mb > 20mb etc.
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