Nuclear submarine rampage...

29 Nov 2009
Well who would have guessed
Posting this & running away fast ;)

Nuclear submarine rampage sailor shot dead officer to copy video game Grand Theft Auto

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Cyber kids dabble with death

ONE of the most addictively popular and controversial computer games ever made, Grand Theft Auto has been slammed for glorifying violence.

It is accused of inciting vulnerable youngsters to commit horrific crimes as players take on the role of a wannabe crook who rises though the ranks by completing a series of ever more bloodthirsty tasks.

The drama is played out in modern urban settings, often involving the gruesome deaths of other drivers, police and military personnel.

Some critics have dubbed it a "killing simulator". Launched in 1997, it has been linked to a number of multiple murders, mainly in the US.
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Copying his favourite X-rated video game where players rack up points for kills

I don't remember racking up points in GTA absolute t*****s these journalists

Oh and sorry to the officers family , but i don't think games should be blamed here, put simply he got a smack on the wrist didn't like it and decided to extract revenge, the game is irrespective. If he decided to blow up the sub would they have tried to blame another game? Makes me wonder
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Erm, you rack up points in Grand Theft Auto 1 for sure. They even have a killing frenzy mode. What amnesia drugs you on guys :P ?

Maybe you gamers should play some games before making unbiased comments :P

Pay close attention to the "Points/dollars" at the top right when he kills people :P

But yes, the article is a bunch of crap lol.
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i dont recall a sub in gta1 tho and there was no points in gta 4

Not once do they mention Grand Theft Auto IV :D

They mention "Grand Theft Auto" which is technically GTA 1 :P

Nor do they say anything about a submarine in the game.

They are simply sensationalising the fact that he played, AND EVEN MENTIONED BEFORE THE EVENT, grand theft auto. More so, he jokingly said he's imagined doing the same in real life - and then tried to. :P

And if you want to get even more picky, they even mention it was released in 1997 ;)
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They are referring to the series not a game.
Stop being pedantic.

The whole thing is complete ******** anyway.

Exactly. The article is stupid, but they aren't saying anything that isn't true. It's just not worth reporting. But it's you guys that are being pedantic by pointing out flaws in the article, which are in fact not flawed. :P

Please don't flame me for being right :(
So what did they blame for the wild west As i remember there were a good few killers of lawmen and general vagebonds roaming the plains. Were they inspired by computer games, or have there always been people who are not quite right, violent and anti social?

I mean WW2 for instance saw lots of atrocities, but yet this was PRE DATING computer games such as GTA..Therefore bad people have always done bad things with or without GTA...

So if that is the precedent, then how can GTA be blamed for people doing no more bad things than were done before games were invented?
It is hilarious how all sorts of atrocities and murders were commited in the past ( far worse than these days if anything) yet now, as soon as anyone kills someone in this manner, it is blamed on video games.

If i was a video game publisher/developer i would want to do them for slander or misrepresentation of their product.

It is awful how the tabloids get away with it.
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