Nuclear War! What would you do?

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Deliberately seperate from the North Korea thread and intended to be more... err... 'fun' (less serious).

Suppose it comes to the worst and North Korea launches a nuke. You're there at work, drinking out of your OcUK mug, browsing the blue screen, then BAMN nuclear bomb has gone off somewhere in Asia or west coast US. Quick - to the internet! 30 new threads make you aware of the horror.

Would you drop your mug in slow motion and run for the hills, or diligently get on with that work admin you had been putting off for two weeks? I was thinking about this whilst slupin' on my morning brew. I can kind of see everyone waiting to see what everyone else does. If I was in London I'd probably feel a bit more frightened!

So... what would you do?
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Surely for London the answer is the deepest underground station/line you can get to in the time given?

I live and work in or very near the centre of Bristol so I'm not sure of the danger. North Bristol's factories might get hit (Airbus, Rolls Royce) which are only a few miles away but otherwise not sure what strategic targets there would be other than human. There is a basement at work but doubt that'd do much. There's also some caves under the centre and tunnels under Temple Meads which could be a good bet if they were opened up in this scenario but you'd be stuck down there for some time. Otherwise cycle as fast as I could south into Somerset if I had maybe half an hour plus.

Nitefly, as a fellow Bristolian, where would you go?
Temple meads is a good shout! If there was a bit more time... head to wales I think. But then there is something worse than the nuclear fallout...

The Welsh :(
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