Been their done that - and it was true - our digital camera lost it's plug&play ability - security risk my arse - if someone had already broken into the office, disabled the alarm, started a password/user name encripted pc and had a p&p device with a virus on it ready to upload - they are not going to be stoped by a reg change patch, that's for sure"Microsoft broke it" is our latest.
(one of our applications stopped working overnight thanks to a Windows update)
software department say "nothing to do with us you need to talk to the hardware guys"
hardware guys say "nothing to do with us, the testing team can't have run the full set of tests"
testing team say "nope that code release all works perfectly, are you using pre release code, check with QA?"
QA say "we're really busy right now but we'll look into it during the next audit, talk to the software team"