Numbers formula

31 Jan 2007

Basically I need to get a count of some items but in a specific way and was wondering if a spreadsheet guru would be able to advise me how to go about it.

Basically I have a list of items in A, it's house in B and it's location 1, 2, 3 and 4 in C, D, E and F.

Locations are split up into 3/4 parts so eg:

Item 1 | House 1 | Blackpool | Lancashire | United Kingdom

I am trying to count the house but:

- 1 House can have multiple items


- Houses can have the same name but will have different locations 1, 2, 3 and 4.

So basically I need to count the distinctly unique house names but if a duplicate house name exists then fallback to check the 4 locations. If the locations are identical then skip to the next house otherwise add to the count.

Anyone able to help me solve this?

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